August 16, 2012

Yoshiteru Otani helps Schulz Museum celebrate its 10th anniversary this weekend (Aug 18-19)

To commemorate the Charles M. Schulz Museum's 10th anniversary, Japanese artist Yoshiteru Otani - creator of the Morphing Snoopy and Peanuts Tile Wall artworks in the Museum's Great Hall - will be part of several events at the Museum this weekend, August 18-19.  (The Museum officially opened on August 17, 2002.)

On Saturday August 18, first at 11 AM, the Museum will hold a cherry tree ceremony in honor of Otani and his artistic contributions to the Museum. Next, at 1 PM, Otani will give a live brush painting performance accompanied by Japanese Taiko drummer Rin Matoba, then will meet visitors and sign autographs.

The following day, Sunday August 19 at 2 PM, Yohiteru Otani will give a talk about his two works at the Schulz Museum, show the film The Making of the Schulz Museum—Yoshi Art, and once again be available to meet visitors and sign autographs.  (He's also giving a class on the art of paper cutting, but the class is sold out.)

Visit the Schulz Museum's calendar of events webpage for more details about these and other upcoming events. The Schulz Museum is located in Santa Rosa, California - see their visitor information page for directions, hours, and admission fees. (And be sure to look around at the rest of the Schulz Museum's newly redesigned website, featuring an extensive timeline and other information about Schulz's life and work, while you're there!)

1 comment:

  1. It looks like it was a fantastic event. Thank you for the detailed coverage.
