May 12, 2012

Impressions of Vince - a new blog about Vince Guaraldi

Derrick Bang, the co-proprietor of and author of the recently published book Vince Guaraldi at the Piano, has launched Impressions of Vince, a new blog devoted to jazz pianist and Peanuts music composer Vince Guaraldi.

While Guaraldi may be most famous for his Peanuts television soundtracks, there was much more to his career - he released a variety of jazz music albums with various musicians and partners, was a frequent performer at West Coast jazz clubs, and wrote and performed the Grace Cathedral Jazz Mass, the first such jazz mass in the United States, among other accomplishments.

The Impressions of Vince blog will be devoted to commentary, discussions and thoughts about Vince Guaraldi and his work, together with updates about Derrick's extensive Guaraldi reference pages at FiveCentsPlease. Derrick also hopes that fans and friends of Guaraldi will write in to contribute commentary, anecdotes, and tidbits about Vince to add to the ever growing archive of information.

We'll keep posting Peanuts-related Vince Guaraldi news here on the FiveCentsPlease blog, but if you're interested in all things Vince, check out the Impressions of Vince blog - Derrick has already posted several entries!

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